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For an an effortless way to achieve user authentication whilst at the same time addressing many of the common user onboarding challenges, look no further than providing login via the Social identity providers.

Hi, I’m Peter Fernandez, an Innovator, Architect, Consultant, Engineer, and Principal Developer Advocate at Auth0 by Okta, and this is my take on integrating Social Login using the Auth0 platform.

User Authentication using OpenID Connect

Social Login requires the use of OpenID Connect for user authentication. OpenID Connect – a.k.a. OIDC – is an industry-standard secure authentication protocol that requires minimal configuration. When both ends of a login conversation speak OIDC, a valid user-authenticated context is determined by the use of a JWT format ID Token rather than the verification of UserID/Password credentials.

Whilst OIDC is typically easy to manage, there is still much to understand when it comes to integrating the protocol; despite being an industry standard, there are many optional workflows that can be omitted by implementers. OIDC supports SSO and can leverage the likes of MFA and Passwordless too.

Authentication via the Browser

Social Login providers typically require the use of browser-based workflows, where an application navigates to the Social IdP in order to obtain a JWT format ID Token post successful user authentication. Not only does this require the potential re-architecting of existing application logic, but it also requires that developers understand the subtle nuances and vagaries of each Social provider’s OIDC implementation.

Build it yourself?

You could build support in-house, yourself. That’s true. Click on the image to read more about doing just that, and watch my related webinar recording here. If your team has the resources, time, capacity, knowledge, and expertise in developing SSO; deploying Attack Protection; leveraging OIDC and/or SAML for Authentication, Social and/or Enterprise Federation; implementing Passwordless and/or MFA, and/or (optionally) OAuth 2.0 for API Authorization – then it’s definitely an option. But what if there was a better way?

Be more Social with Auth0

For a more all-around experience, give your customers the choice to use their Social provider of choice as part of the login experience. Safely, seamlessly, and securely enabled in an effortless fashion, all as part of Auth0 Universal Login.

Connectivity out-of-the-box

 Leverage identities from over 50+ Social Identity Providers (IdPs) via the wide range of readily available out-of-the-box Social Connections. Each one is enabled at the flip of a switch!

Connectivity customised

 With support for building Custom Social Connections you can also interact with Social Identity Providers (IdPs) not provided out-of-the-box. See here for an example of building a Custom Social Connection with TikTok!


Add MFA for enhanced security – even if it’s not supported by the Social IdP! And with Auth0 Adaptive MFA you can fine-tune the user authentication process via intelligent multi-factor access management that dynamically fits customer login behaviours. All whilst satisfying your business needs.


 Customize identity flows with visual drag-and-drop Actions to build functionality that will address your unique requirements.

Integrate with ease

With a variety of out-of-box options provided by a wide range of SDKs, you can build an initial integration with Auth0, written in any programming language and supporting any technology stack, in a matter of hours. Click on the image to visit the Auth0 SDK website and discover how to integrate with ease.

Read more about it on the Auth0 Blog

Read more about Social Login on the Auth0 Blog. The Auth0 Blog offers numerous other articles too, that highlight how Auth0 makes life easier when it comes to building Customer Identity & Access Management.

Want to learn more?

Okta provide a wide-range of cost-free courses to help you level-up your skills. Why not click on the image to see what you can discover with Okta Training today!

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Begin the journey…

Sign up here, and create a free Auth0 Tenant to begin your journey. Play with prototyping an integration of your existing code – or develop something new; experience the Okta Customer Identity Cloud, powered by Auth0, in a way that best suits you.

…or try a Demo.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, why not take a look at some of the pre-build demos at – where you can test-drive sample integrations for both the Okta Customer Identity Cloud and the Okta Workforce Identity Cloud too!